Floats in the corner

7.7C Grey and dark. Strong breeze. Showery.

I thought it wasn't raining when Maeve the Deerhound and I headed straight down the country road to the shore after lunch. Wrong! Specs covered in raindrops before I got 100 yards. We carried on. It was good to be out and I had a good rainproof jacket on. Admittedly Maeve didn't but it wasn't enough to bother her.

When we got to the bottom of the road we turned left and went along the cycle path to the field gate (the opposite way to our normal approach). Through we went and the over the level crossing and down to the wet hard sand. Good walking on the beach. Tide out quite far and the sea roaring on the rocks. Another shower started, blown in by the breeze off the sea.

At the Fishermen's huts the owner of 'Shamara II' was tidying up the creel rack and restacking his gear. No one else around. Sheltered from the strong breeze and spray I just grabbed a few shots of things that had some colour. I have chosen this shot from the pile of floats sitting next to 'Valhalla VI' in the corner next to the end hut. Just for the colours :-)

The showers went off as we walked back up the main road, and we were both pretty much dry by the time we got home. The Specs did need a good clean though :-)

Later I think it might be a short evening walk. Probably the same for a day or more as it looks like some heavy rain on the way !

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