The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Pale Imitations

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Our systems were down which meant I had a deadline I couldn’t meet and I gave exactly zero flippity flops as I am off for a week after today!

I had been invited for dinner for a mums get together tonight but The Prince’s brother had a last minute visit to Edinburgh. This gave me the perfect excuse to pull out which was great, as I couldn’t really be @rsed and I was feeling much happier with my new ‘sit on the sofa all night’ plan.

I had texted (last night) and made my apologies, only to get the reply...

“No worries- we could always pop over after dinner for see a few drinks if that’s an option?”

“NO IT BLOODY ISN’T. I will be in bed by then. What sort of madness is this? STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME SOCIALISE” was what I wanted to reply but instead I said I’d go for a quick cup of tea at the start of the night before The Prince went out.

I left an hour after I arrived. Aside from relationship complaints, the rest of the chat was mainly horror stories about people who have just been diagnosed with terminal illnesses/died around the age of 50.

“Thanks for your uplifting chat, can’t wait until I’m 50” I said as I wandered home. They were laughing but that’s the problem with having great friends with great chat. It lowers my tolerance for I call ‘low value’ social interactions. These people are genuinely very nice but they are not MY people.



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