Creative day!

We had the grandchildren all day today and had a lovely time. Shopping for groceries this morning. A few extra things in the trolley with the grandchildren helping!! We then watched a wonderful film SGT Stubby. A true wartime story about a soldier and his dog. It’s made for children. It’s wonderful. After lunch Evie decided to make a bathroom from paper and card. She had some amazing ideas. We then went to see some cats needing adoption. We chose a beautiful white and tabby and she is around 10 to 12 months old. She is adorable. We are going to name her Phoebe after my favourite doll when I was little. Zach found the name on the internet for girl cats names.... Evie and Papa liked the name too. A visit to my Mum then home to carry on bathroom making....see it in extras. She even made 2 tiny toothbrushes. The glasses she’s wearing are not for real - just a fashion statement. They really suit her! Grateful for a wonderful day!

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