Meanwhile...In the Gardens...

Thats the gardens in Queenstown 'Cos we were over there (didn't see any Sparrows but should have) early ( it was still dark) to get The Boss's Suzz serviced. This takes about 2 hours and as we got there first we got to go first and go we did...into the gardens to try to get out of the southerly wind that was trying to freeze my furls off, to say nothing about The Boss who was layered up big time.  
This is an Iphone "live" image and The Boss has got muddy knees 'Cos good pics are never got at eye height, in spite of thousands of tourists that think otherwise. 
The extra is Queenstown viewed from half way up the gardens and down a bank a bit and whoops mind that tree root and what do you mean " pull me up"  need to see my union organiser about THAT.
The Cafe and hot choc was nice 'Cos the nice Barista lady had owned a Wheaton and wanted lots of cuddles. The Boss wanted HOT Choc and a cheese scone with butter and jam. The Sales bloke at the service joint wanted to sell The Boss a new Suzuki Jimney for delivery about Christmas...He shouldn't hold his breath about that I think...but it did look incredibly cool but failed the "comfort" test I think.
Older dogs like their comfort.....

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