The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sollya Helicoptera

...or something like that! I made a start at tidying up the cabin for Spring today. There is a plague of ladybirds, and I did evict a few. The weather was warm and sunny, so that felt ok.

Afterwards I sat out there with Bomble and chilled. I also managed to order some cards, though they may not arrive in time for my next stall, and I spent some time with Helen, who dropped in on her way to the ferry to France. I also had a couple of hours of paid work to do, but muddled up the time. They rang me up, but it was too late go in. Damn. I had been going by some times on a document that was obviously wrong.

It's a peaceful school holiday so far, but I have the horrible feeling I have loads of things to catch up with. I think I've managed to book a holiday for May, but the process was far from smooth.

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