Working on da Vegetable Plot

That northerly wind finally eased away, and fine day.  Mostly cloudy, but warm when the sun was out.  

Another day working on the museum desk.  No workshops on today, and the fine day meant a quiet morning.  We had a really busy spell in the afternoon.  I've been out in the garden this evening, and then also popped down to mam's, and planted a few more trees.  A quiet night by the fire, and a movie.

I took advantage of the fine evening, and headed out into the garden for a bit.  I've slowing been getting the vegetable plot sorted, and finished tonight.  Last year, this was a horrible slope, so we put in the retaining wall.  There wasn't much topsoil, so it's a mix of bought compost, and I've been adding my own compost today.  It's not the biggest of plots, but will be a good starter.  I have onions, carrots, peas, beetroot, lettuce, parsnips and neeps to go in.  My tatties will be in pots again.  Sammy had to be in the photo, he's been enjoying digging here this past week.  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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