@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Sauvage? (or just cautious?)

Did I mention that we adopted 6 cats in Orkney and brought them to Normandy with us? Did I not also make the point that a local chat errant has also joined the gang? You'd have thought that I really ought to have learnt my lesson by now?
This is not one of our's. They don't seem to mind at all that (I'm guessing that she's a ...) she has been wandering around their house and eating their food. I'd go as far to suggest that they encourage it because they enjoy winding me up. I haven't completely dismissed the notion that it's actually little Ray in a disguise!
I'm positive that I've already mentioned that I'm not big on gardening. Not that she's huge or anything, but I'm sure she's lying on the roof of my car. :-) 

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