Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72

Flying Home

I went home today, here is a photo of the times at Bristol Airport.

After a 12 hour door to door journey, the high point was definitely a guy behind me who was late for his flight, telling 3 guys who were holding people up, 'it wasn't a) a bus or b) a youth club.'

I sort of felt I should help him out and suggest other things that the airport wasn't. I seriously considered it. I thought I'd go a bit more surreal like 'butterfly', 'Tanzania', and 'cactus' before maybe suggesting to him we should just remind them they were in an airport. Especially as this alone would save time and this seemed to be of the essence.

The only reason I didn't was I didn't want to have to pay extra to have my head stowed in the hold, when he removed it from my shoulders.

I actually queued twice to check in, because I was more than 4 hours before my flight. It was mad and after 4 hour train it was quite funny. Just sat in starbucks for most of it with a gingerbread latte and then did work and a timetable for my work over Christmas

Not that it was a bad day, especially as I finished off with Turkish for tea.

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