
A bit of pottering and removing all the random items that had made their way from the garden shed to the floating shed over the winter. All it needs now is a bit of a scrub out, with maybe an extra pair of hands.
Despite it being a rather lovely sunny day, albeit a bit of a chilly one, I took myself off for a mid-afternoon movie. It was one which had been espied by the SK some weeks previously. "Film for you", she said, tapping the page of the Filmhouse guide with her long manicured nail. I read the précis. It sounds a bit pretentious, I countered. But all she did was smile and raise an eyebrow.
That reminds me that I’d dismissed something, which I can’t remember, as pretentious twaddle in conversation at the Diggers with Mr McC fairly recently. "You said it was pretentious?" he roared in a hugely delighted manner. "You?" And mirth totally overcame him.
What is this all about? Anyway, Happy as Lazzaro - as PB says - is itself a weightless enigma, an unfathomable promise of happiness, gently tugging you upwards, like a balloon on the end of a string.

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