Capital adventures

By marchmont

Secret Santa

I woke about 4.30m and put on the World Service. I must have fallen back asleep as the next thing I was well into the 'Today' programme.

I was lazy and taxi'd to the office today. Did I do a lot? Not sure. There was a sense of anticipation as we awaited colleagues from London to arrive.

then late afternoon it was 'Secret Santa'. Lyn sourced this tree - it sings. Have a treemendous Christmas. I came out well on SS - candles. Someone knows me very well.

Then to the Parliament for the launch of the 'Scottish Homelessness Monitor'. We got lots of press coverage and about 10 MSPs came to the launch, which was great. It is a very impressive piece of research and I hope if you live in the UK and have had a Crisis letter through your door - well you know what.

There was a bit of confusion about where we were going for a drink. Some of us finally ended up in Hemma and there, the highlight of my day, standing at the bar I finally met, face to face Feorlean. We are both addicts, sad but true, so we had a chat about blipping and what we'd each done for today. He is also a Cabinet secretary but that's the beauty of Scotland, and blip, you can walk up to a Cabinet Secretary and say 'I'm Marchmont' and he instantly knows who you are.

then it was some food and drink with colleagues from London (we lost the rest of my team) and then a taxi home.

I thought #3 son would be home. Apparently it's tomorrow.

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