Celandine Carpet

Still a chilly wind, but a lovely warm day in the lea.  The sun has shined all day, but a cloudy evening.  

A day working in the museum, and a steady day of visitors.  This morning I was busy working with toddler workshops, and Linda did the afternoon session.  After tea, me and Sammy headed down to mam's.  We've been planting a few trees this evening, and many more to go.  Off to work in the pub later.

It's been a lovely day, and I had to head home at lunchtime.  Post I was waiting for arrived, and then headed for a brisk walk around the village.  Loads of plants back to life after winter, including this Lesser Celandine, which looks like a carpet over the ground.  I do like it, but glad it's not in my garden.  Taken at the minister's house, Chapel Lane, Scalloway. 

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