
Today was a day of tying up loose ends before we head off to East Anglia early in the morning. As always leaving this place is never easy and there was much to do! Lists of lists to start off with!

Wages sorted and the new year for the wages all set up and last years end of year info filed and sent to HMRC. VAT filed too! All bills sent out. Phew!

Mr Tbay out at a meeting in the afternoon. Miss B here for drinks in evening so managed to get all packing done so didn’t have to fret about that later on!

Farming - Two hauling compost. Another very frustrating day for the boys as the loading machine broke down yet again. Serious operative issues being the cause. Trouble is we then have to wait for them to get it all sorted out! Rusty hauling soil for a new customer.

At long last we thought that the Tbay Jnrs washing machine was fixed. But no! Still on catch up with their mountains of washing!!

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