Not 'My' Yasheen . . .

. . . but, yes, 'My’/'All our' Yasheen, all the same.

My heart leaped when, having gone up onto the upper level of the 26th July Bridge in Cairo in search of my Yasheen, I turned to descend and caught sight of this young flowerseller, who from a distance was the spitting image of him. He wasn’t, but this is Yasheen's peak-trading-time world, confidently confronting moving cars with the bravely-planted, unmoving feet of a matador before a bull. Sometimes successful, and sometimes ending up with a broken ankle, as happened to Yasheen a couple of years back, when some careless driver ran over one of his feet.

I hope to meet my Yasheen soon, and this vantage point of his life has made me all the more determined to do something to really help him escape his tarmac slip-road life once and for all.

My Yasheen is here . . .

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