Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Saturday — Taking Pictures

Today and tomorrow is the city wide garage sale in Morro Bay, so we headed out early to go look. Every neighborhood street had one if not several houses that were participating . . . so we saw many driveways with tables set-up filled with all kinds of knick-knacks, dishes, pots & pans, tools, books, CDs, DVDs, clothes, and on and on.

Then we drove past the State Park toward the back bay and had lunch at the cafe and as I was taking pictures of kayakers, Mr. Fun caught this picture of me.

Later back at the house, I graded midterm essays while Mr. Fun and 3 pups snoozed. The day outside was beautiful, so after a taco dinner here at the house, we took the pups for a walk.

This has been a terrific Saturday,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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