Foto-bombing Friend

Another lovely day with Han - we went to the flea market this morning, but it was suuuuper windy so a lot of stalls weren't there and there were no drummers...but straight from there to Nude to have coffee with James and Rich. I love those men so much. They'd got fab gifts for the kids which was so kind. 
Han and I went out this afternoon whilst the kids napped...we popped to a friends new shop (extra) and then walked down with him to watch the start of the marathon - it's him who has photo-bombed this photo, ha!
Tonight we popped to Nude again to see James and Rich & Todd - a lovely lovely evening.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Friends here knowing my sister. I love that so many people want to catch up with her when she's over! Her being known makes me feel more known somehow...
2) Time to wander around with just Han whilst the kids slept this afternoon.
3) Hot cross buns. Han brought a couple of packs from the UK!

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