Street wise

This morning, Taliskularis the big and I attended a meeting/party. It was a get together of all the Therapet dogs and owners in Orkney. Talisker met up with old friends and made some new ones. Lovely. 

Later and after dog walking, Gorgeous and I set out on horseback. We thought we'd see what George thought of the narrow street through Stromness where things appear from hidden alleyways and other such horse frightening stuff. He was great and didn't put a hoof wrong. Bo even managed to walk beside him without pinning her ears back at him. 

Back at the yard whilst all the neddies were attended to, I took Brie out for a 5 min ride as recommended by Cooper when he visited. It was SO nice to be on her again. My little lego horse who I click into place on and I feel we are moulded together. Slowly and gently... She's got way too much life to retire just yet! Gorgeous managed to snap us on our walk out. 

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