Shame about the tractor...
Another lovely day embuggered by this filthy cough. But Miss is the one who's really suffering still; I'm just not sleeping because of her coughing.
So leaving her to relax in the sunwarmed greenhouse I took Morrigan out for a blast up the A46. I spotted this street art in a car park in Cheltenham. It's really good and it was rather a shame someone had parked their tractor in front of it, Nevertheless, we had a Morrigan selfie.
While the work is very artistic is it slightly incongruous for the girl on the Motoguzzi to be wearing a katana. Wouldn't she be on something more Japanese? And if I were to carry a sidearm on my bike, it'd be on the left. Although I'm right handed, I can't chase and fire with my throttle hand full of gun!
These minor points aside it's a fab piece of work, done by Bristol artist SP Zero.
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