
By DrSandy

The elephant in the room

Arrived home to find Mom struggling to finish rose leaves, the B exhibit, for today's icing club.  

Unfortunately, there is NO PICTURE.

It never came together. 

Instead I got..........."Sandra it's over.  I am finished !"

During the tears and frustration, I discovered one of the reasons for ALL THE TROUBLE, she needed some or other powder, to stiffen the paste.

The powder was finished.

Pre hijack, this would not have been a problem, she would have hopped in the car, gone to the cake shop and bought some more.

Post hijack.................. no powder.

My heart broke.  Why the hell didn't she say something earlier ? 

Doing the exhibits for icing club is SO IMPORTANT TO HER.  More specifically, not doing it, is tied up with her psyche.  I think in all the years of icing club, there are very few times, she has gone, without having done the thing that had been demonstrated.  This was a big deal.

On the flip side, the little elephant, made without that damn powder, was pretty cute.  At least I thought so.

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