The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sodden Forsythia

Wow, what a day! Steve went off to an outdoor market in the sleet. My massage client rang to postpone. I told her politely she'd have to come another day. Then I got a morning appointment for Bomble at the vet's, because he's been very sneezy lately. The only problem was, I had to walk and it was tipping it down! Bomble was mostly compliant, and got an injection of antibiotics. I got soaked, and had to change my shoes and socks.

Then I had to pack up my stall for the market tomorrow, and have lunch before venturing out to the hairdresser's. I have a new one, she's lovely and gave me the cut I wanted. Only trouble was, a monsoon had started by the time I had to leave!
I went to a couple of shops and the bank before going home, and got sodden. Jeans and everything had to be peeled off me. Blow-dried hair ruined!

I made some biscuit dough, packed for my trip to Wales tomorrow, until it was time for Steve and I to go down to the indoor market to set up, in advance of tomorrow. Back home via Waitrose; made the biscuits; family confab via messenger; now I'm checking the small print regarding the holiday chalet in Wales.

I'm going with two friends from Stroud and one from Wales. The thought of coastal walking in the weather we've been having lately fills me with trepidation. Mind you, I was wearing shorts just a week ago!

It's been a great relief to not think much about Brexit today.

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