
By fotoday

Mountain Hare

I had a rare free day on my own today so I was up early and walking on Bleaklow moor in the Dark Peak by 7.45. It seemed a good plan but at that time the moors were in the clouds the frost was heavy and the wind bitterly cold. I think I was the only person up there for a long time and with visibility poor I decided to stay mainly on the Pennine Way and not wander off to often into the groughs looking for hiding hares. You quickly get disorientated and the path is slightly sunken and not visible again when you leave it. I walked for 2 hours before I found my first hare on the high ground, they are difficult to spot as they bunker down and bend in with the peat, heather and frost. More often than not one will spot you first then they are off in a blink. I love the challenge.
I topped off a thoroughly enjoyable walk with my first photo of a golden plover (last extra).

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