Ultra Macro.

This is a stamen of a Tulip, the image has only been slightly cropped at the sides.

I was reading up about Ultra Macro, and in the article the chap talked about using a Raynox Macroscopic Lens M-2450, 8- Diopter which is getting on for 3 x magnification . You put this onto the front of your lens.

I suddenly remembered I had this lens, years ago I had tried using it with my  Canon  SLR which I found very difficult and did not get any good results. 

Today I tried it with my Fuji X T3 camera with a 80mm macro lens and the fuji 11 extension tube. I set the lens to f22, so did not have that much light but put up my ISO to 2500. With the fuji there is hardly any noise, this is something I could not do with the Canon SLR as you would get a lot of noise.  Then I shone a light onto the stamen.

I ended up taking 3 images at different focal length and then photo staking them in Photoshop.

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