Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Colourful collage to celebrate my 730th Blip!

It was snowing last night when I went to bed and still snowing this morning when I got up and right through the morning! Everything is white again and the spring flowers must be in total shock. These freak snowfalls sometimes happen in April and even in May. They usually don't last for long, but they can certainly spoil all the blossom and blooms. I saved my window-box of Primula before going to bed!
Luckily, I had a vase of beautiful tulips to photograph this morning!

Apparently, I've just posted my 730th Blip! I just got a warning three days ago!

I knew you wanted to see the snow, so I poked my camera lens out of the window to take a shot of my street in the falling snow!

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