Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Tuesday — The Midterm Moment

This is Week 8 of the spring semester. Next week is spring break. In order for my students to have no homework during their week off, I schedule the midterm essay right before their holiday. So they will have no homework for my class. I believe holidays, ought to be holidays.

Not even one student was absent today in each of my three composition classes. That hasn’t happened since the first week of the semester. I honestly can’t believe the number of absences some students have. Several of them have been absent five times in 8 weeks. Normally we would drop those students, but as our state is moving toward providing funds only for students who have finished, we’ve been advised to not drop students. I think we are NOT preparing them for the career world.

What I think after 28 years of teaching, doesn’t matter.

Rosie (& Mr.Fun), aka Carol

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