Clark Tales

By cclark


Today was a Sunday sesh to celebrate my birthday and to have a nice xmas day out with all the friends. Janis (preggers and sober) came over with Sooz and Paul, while Jo, Virn, Sarah and I trained it so we could get our drink on. Virn and Jo were struggling with the hangover big style from the night before. After lunch at CandyBar we headed to SuperCube for an hour then onto the German Christmas market! Awesome. Finished off in the Guilford Arms before drinking at the train station and missing the train and waiting longer for another one lol.

Fantastic end to the birthday weekend! Thanks guys for making it rock. Here's a pic of us all on the chairOPlanes, well those of us who face them lol.

Oh yeah, did lose my wallet on here but the lovely guy handed it in to the police and I was reunited with it in 5 mins! awesome!

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