Planko's Pics

By planko

London Eye

Had a lovely Sunday with the family. Wandered down South Bank through the German Market, looking at all the stalls, tasting the food, watching the street entertainment. It's a lot bigger than the one in Edinburgh, which is tiny by comparison, although strangely enough its the same stalls and companies.

When did this German Market at Christmas tradition start? I can't remember it as a child, only in the last couple of years?

Came across a huge book/illustration/antique map underneath one of the bridges, so spent some time raking through and managed to get an old Dundee and an old Perth map from the 1800's which i'll be getting for Christmas and will frame.

Went on the London Eye, great views from there and even managed to get Mrs P to come up who doesn't like heights. Back to the apartment then out to Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park, which was another German Market, with the same companies and stalls as Edinburgh, but again this one was even larger than South Bank and had a couple of stalls we hadn't seen before.

The place is a tourist trap; 3 rides for the kids cost me a small fortune, but it was worth it as they both enjoyed themselves.

So, here's the London Eye at night.


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