Big leaves
This is the avocado plant I've been growing for a while. It is too cold here for it to be outside year round, so it will be a houseplant. CarbBoy just spotted today that when I said it was an avocado plant, I really meant it. "So it will grow as big as the ones in Spain? Because the leaves are just the same." Well, let's hope it doesn't. But regardless we are all impressed that it has survived some of the icy temperatures in our dining room.
This afternoon I baked some lemon cakes and TallGirl and I popped over to see our friend Marie-Claire for tea. Sadly her husband wasn't well enough (shingles) to join us, but we had a very entertaining catch up on life, philosophy, education and Brexit.
Later, school meeting with CarbBoy about his trip to Madrid in a few weeks. We had thought it would be comfortably far after Brexit that any hitches would be sorted out, but (as of today) it would be the day after Brexit though (backblipping) who knows now...
Anyway, it sounds like a fab trip, and I will make sure there is a full tank of fuel in the car in case we need to make a dash for the border to retrieve him!
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