Light It Up Blue
...for Autism.
It is easy to say that my life revolves around three things: family, photography, and autism. Today is Autism Awareness Day, so I chose to celebrate it with E who continues to make me smile every day - regardless if I am directly teaching him or not.
E epitomizes the struggles of autism. He struggles to be understood as he has difficulty communicating, yet understands far more than people realize. He struggles with sensory overload - noises, lights, tactility, smells, tastes. He thrives on routines so having one changed is very upsetting. It is important for him to self-regulate to navigate through all the sensory issues he has daily (and to be respected for his specific need to jump on a trampoline or listen to music). He needs medication to relieve the intense anxiety he feels but can also make him feel lousy at times....or is simply not enough some days.
And there is joy....lots of joy. A smile that can light up a room and an infectious belly laugh. When an amusement park ride is equal to a ride on the park swings and both can make him giggle. His eye for detail. He immediately knows if I have had my hair cut or have changed my shoes and expresses his like or dislike (which makes me laugh!). He loves coffee, Goldfish, and a good roast beef and gets so excited to see any of them! He is a tease and loves to be teased. He is so clever....only needs to be shown a new task once and he can do it independently.
I could go on and on...but suffice it to say, autism is so diverse and complex. The famous saying is: If you have met one person with autism, you have met one person with autism. More than anything else, it is best not to limit potential with a label but to find the 'spark' and to raise expectations and celebrate who they are.
I shall step off my platform now and wish you all a good night and have a great day tomorrow. Hump Day after all : )))
D x
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