
By earthdreamer

Holding Out

It never registered that it was time for the clocks to change and that we lost an hour last night. I guess it doesn’t warrant the kind of attention that it once did, when we had to physically reset all our clocks and watches. Most modern devices are capable of taking care of the matter themselves now. Alexa woke me up at the time I requested and I was none the wiser. It just felt like I hadn’t got enough sleep, but then, I pretty much always feel that way. It was only when I picked up my phone later in the day that I realised. My phone isn’t clever enough to adjust itself. I know!

I’m still resisting an upgrade. It’s not so much for fear of losing the thing, or dropping it—which I most likely would, of course—but I really don’t think I want the temptation of so much technology sitting in my pocket. It will get me in the end. It’s probably selfish, but I’m trying to hold out as long as I can.

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