
By PlanW

Would You Like To Swing On A Star?

We've got a kind of coffee morning at work tomorrow, only it's in the afternoon. Some of us are bringing in home baking, some of the others will bring stuff from shops and even tins of chocolates. Some will bring nothing but will fill their faces anyway. But hey ho, now's the season to be jolly. Goodwill to all men, even the greedy gits who stuff their faces and contribute bugger all. Again.

I've made this little number, not my finest hour, the icing hides the burny bits although it wont be disguised when it gets eaten. It's free, right, what do you want, blood?

It's also a little damaged as I dropped my phone on it just now. Ooops.

Bad things
Cars that fail MOTs
2 hour bus journeys to travel 8 miles, getting to work at 10am.

Good things
Free cake, slightly damaged

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