Birthday Be-attitude

She's 8!! How did that happen?! We started the day with her favourite banana, oat and blueberry pancakes. She went off to school happily, huge cake in hand(s). Nate had a pretty awful morning, he is not a happy bunny...clearly feeling rough. Thankfully by school pickup time he was perking up again. We had a naughty KFC lunch and then after naps went bowling. Unfortunately Danny & I hadn't realised that the bowling place shuts on Mondays, but Asha coped well with the disappointment. Claire coming over to give a gift and look through Asha's presents with her helped!
And I'm pleased to say that I think Nate and I might have started getting over the's definitely still in our chests, but don't feel so unwell with it this evening...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha. She brings lots of fun (& challenge) to life... The 3 of us are her number 1 fans. 
2) Lovely hugs and chats with the homeless guys this morning, whilst standing in the rain. I love and appreciate how warmly they always greet me. 
3) Nate & I feeling a bit better than we have done.

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