Random collection on the beach

When I first walked by, there was a woman collecting things from here and putting them in her car. I wondered if she had camped overnight or maybe was just taking advantage of the spectacular morning to have a beach breakfast before heading to work. Nice of someone to leave a table and chair here. Not nice to leave the soup can with a teabag and napkin inside it. Not sure about the bike helmet! Couldn't resist stopping on my way back to take this. More garbage left at the entrance to the park.
Extras: a Canadian flag tied to a telephone pole; a Van Gogh jigsaw left by a mailbox and reflected in the mailbox. Might take another photo of it when the sun isn't shining directly on it. There's a chair there as well that I've blipped before.  Outdoor decor, I guess.  ;-)
Off to work outside. Plenty to do!

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