Playing with the big girls

Today I went to 'Hermitage of Braid' to meet up with Jackie (alias Fudgefase) and her three gorgeous dogs. I have had the bestest afternoon ever! BLIP is such a lovely community of people.

Ann put me on my long training lead but Jackie persuaded her to let me run free. She said that I would stay with her three dogs. ….................And I did!

Ann used to talk to a lot of dog walkers when she was out with 'MollyCollie' and they all said the same thing. Dogs are 'pack animals' so will stay with the pack.

I was zooming around all over the place with the other doggies and when Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I was quite good at coming back however I preferred the treats that Jackie had 'cos they were bigger. Ann only had little bits of carrot & puppy sized training treats for me?!

On a couple of occasions I was a little bit naughty and tried to steal things that people were eating and I have a tendency to 'jump up' at people because I sooooo, sooooo, want everybody to be my friend. Ann is going to buy a water pistol & squish me with water every time I do in appropriate jumping up!

But do you know what?.................... Ann was really happy because I was happy. …........First time off my lead and it was a success. Yay!

PS – Apparently my recall isn't quite good enough to be let off my lead all the time. But if I can find another 'pack' to walk with, then I might be allowed more off lead time. Yay!!!!!

Thank you Jackie for giving Ann the confidence to let me off my lead. xx

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