Back in the day
this would have been brimming with Mother's Day cards for delivery today, well maybe not this post box as it is set in the wall outside what was back in the day a closed contemplative order of 28 Redemptoristine nuns.When the nuns reached 10 in number in 1989, all above 60years in age, it was decided to sell the convent, the nuns moving to Liverpool.
My mum can remember going to the convent as a youngster with a friend when she was visiting family in Chudleigh to buy bread. They would knock on the door to place their spoken order, but not expecting a reply obviously, the goods would then be passed through a window which had a gauze curtain so that the nuns would not be seen during any transactions.
The abbey was sold and converted into 6 private dwellings. I'm not sure when the post pox became redundant but a resident now might be feathered. A perfect des res for for raising a family I would have thought. :)
More tidying in the garden today. All my cleaned plastic pots ready for refilling, just need to get another load of potting compost. Popped up to the allotment, topped up the compost bin with my kitchen waste, cut lots of rainbow chard, some bok choi, plus purple sprouting broccoli which we will eat with some very freshly caught cod. Well I've been told it's cod. they normally catch Pollack, but without going and getting my hands all fishy checking myself I will go with cod. I shall bake it in the oven. I'll have to see who would like some of my veggies as there is no way hubby & I can eat all that I've harvested.
Bags to pack .... clothes, walking gear & food. looking forward to my week looking after Yogi. Hope he likes allotment life coz I've got onion sets to plant and ground to prepare for my spuds etc. :)
Hope you've all had a fabulous weekend. :)
Thanks to Marlieske for the derelict challenge
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