CMK on a sunny afternoon

A busy day today.  We manage a 14 mile bike ride this morning.  It's the furthest I've ridden in ages.  It seems life in the shed is doing me good.

It's a 3-storey building and our bedroom is on the top floor.  The first few days saw me stopping for breath on the first floor (base camp).  Now I can get to the top floor without oxygen or sherpas.

And I'm doing far more walking than I did at the old house.

Back to today; after the bike ride we decided to 'pop' into Central Milton Keynes.  Normally we wouldn't go near it on a Saturday afternoon, but the new multi-storey carpark has made life so much easier.  

Three errands - should be simple.  John Lewis, Evans bike shop and then a quick dash into Sainsbury's for a few things for supper.

All three take less than an hour and we're unloading the shopping, when I discover I've lost my wallet.  Last used in the supermarket, we dash back.  On the way Anniemay phone's the store to see if it's been handed in.  No joy.

We press on and re-trace our steps through the supermarket.  Nothing.  I leave my name and address and then dash home to cancel my credit cards.

We're half-way home and the phone rings - they've found it.  We drive back again.

A security guard found it.  I offer him a tenner out of gratitude.  He won't take it, so I put it in the charity box.  When we get home I find a hole in my jacket inside pocket.  

Holes are not all bad though - my blip is a view over Campbell Park through a hole in the wall of the multi-storey carpark.

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