Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Had a great day. Woke early so once the dogs were out I went to the yard. I took Buddy in the school and we had a great session working on stuff from my last lesson. Buddy was great and it felt like we ate finally getting somewhere.

Then Eva had a lesson with Shona. It's been a few weeks since she had one cos of bad weather and other things going on. She did brilliantly today. Towards the end of the session Shona asked if she wanted to do some trotting poles and she said no. Jack gets excited over poles, especially more than one. He's not naughty, he just trots much faster but it's unnerved her a bit. Eventually she was persuaded to try and Shona sneakily added a pole, then another until she was going over 4 of them in a row. Jack was an absolute superstar and it really made my day to see Eva beaming with pride at what she'd achieved.

After bacon butties for lunch the kids had the Barrets round to play and me and Mike did some painting - back door and front gate. Felt good to get some housey stuff done.

Then I spent an hour sorting out some clothes for the charity shop. Why do I have so many pairs of jeans?!!

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