Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

It's In The Book

I've not been beyond the garden today, so it's a flower blip again. This is the third of the rhododendrons to bloom - after Christmas Cheer and Snow Lady, now the buds on  Rhododendron rubiginosum are beginning to open. 

I'm feeling pleased with myself for being able to find this in my system for recording what we've planted.  I'm a bit hit and miss with it. Some things die, others are moved, quite a lot goes in to the ground without me making any notes. 

However, this one is in there, so I know it has survived for twelve years and is not yet fully grown. It will get to 20 feet apparently ...

The label says 'rose-lavender masses of flowers in March -April', which is spot-on.

We had a little rain this afternoon, just enough to make things sparkle.

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