Nay, Nay & Thrice Nay

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,
A few smaller stories for you today:

About a week ago Lemon blurted out excitedly: "Oh my GAAAWD! Guess what band are performing in Wellington!?!!!"

I couldn't imagine. She was so excited. I figured it had to be at the very least three-quarters of Led Zeppelin or half of The Beatles.

"THE WIGGLES!" she told me.

If you did not know, The Wiggles are Australia's Singing Kettle. I was not impressed.

"We love The Wiggles!" she continued happily. The Boy's favourite is 'Big Red Car'." 

"The Boy" is two years old by the way.

"We were all singing along to it in the car the other day, then we realised The Boy wasn't even with us. That was a bit embarrassing."

So anyway. Tickets went on sale at 10:30 today. "OH MY GAAWWWD! You forgot to remind me!" Lemon said about an hour later, frantically going online. She managed to get 3 tickets in row T, the others sold out within minutes.

Her family was disappointed. They wanted 6 tickets. Her oldest daughter (in her 20's) has claimed one place, saying Lemon and The Boy can have the other two. 

"And what about his actual MOTHER?" said Lemon. "Look, I just won't go and you can have my place."

"And go with his MOTHER?" replied Oldest Daughter. "Can't I bring my boyfriend instead?"

Can you imagine THAT as your first date? And "Big Red Car" would be 'Our Song'?

Actually, it IS sort of catchy.

Spark Joy, Part 2
Caro folding laundry on the couch, balling socks and putting knickers into a square.

"Look at you, doing your Marie Kondo," I joked.


I cried. Literally. Tears. I couldn't breathe. I love my wife.

May Day
I haven't been talking much about Brexit, but since today is theoretically 
the day when jubilant crowds of Britons, freed from the bonds of Brussels would be crowding the streets waving "Keep Calm & Carry On" tea-towels in triumph, I thought it worth a mention.

Although the news mostly makes me cross, I have been enjoying the coverage from arch-Remainiac and sweary bastard Ian Dunt.

His grasp of rudimentary Anglo-Saxon is Mad-Doggian in it's breadth and passion. He live-tweeted through "MV3" yesterday. Some of his tweets included comments like:

Rattling boombox Geoffrey Cox is up for the government. "I do not intend to review how and why we have arrived at this point." Bet you don't mate.


This is getting quite legally wrangled so let me explain the sh*t they are trying to pull here


If you could convert abject f*cking hypocrisy into a food source, you'd have solved world hunger.

Say what you like about Brexit. It's been comedy gold to the satirists.


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