So glad I left the house at 5.30am as by the time I got home it had clouded over, and is now grey and windy. What a beautiful sunrise. This is just as it came out of the camera. My other extra is the sun nearly up and a little wren singing as I passed.
This is the last day I will be replying or doing comments as my friend from Cambridge is coming to stay with me for a few days and we are going to a dog show on the Sunday (she is showing her two dogs). It will be lovely to see her as I have not seen her for four and a half years, also it will be lovely to see many friends at the show. We are going to eat out at the Italian, on Sunday and also Monday, so no cooking, just catching up. Yippee!
After my early walk I did the shopping then washed all the floors, dusted and hoovered. Certainly having someone coming gets the housework done.
I will still do stars and hearts, so hope you will all understand, so I will sign out now for a few days. I will still blip.
Thank you for your visits to my journal, it is most appreciated.

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