Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A very challenging day

This morning we were at Tate Britain half an hour before it opened. There was a huge queue already, but most people were going to the new Van Gogh exhibition.

We were there for Don McCullin. This is an exhibition well worth seeing. He is a wonderful photographer and master printer. We noticed the almost church like hush as people made their way around. The war images and those from famine torn areas were almost too hard to view. People made their way slowly and reverentially around.

We had lunch at Tate Britain the crossed Vauxhall Bridge to take the train to Richmond. At The Orange Tree theatre we saw Athol Fugard’s Blood Knot. This is a very powerful play about two brothers in South Africa who are tied together by kinship, but one can pass as white while the other is black.

The first half was slow, but the play took off in the second half.

We were lucky enough to be there for a post show discussion which was thoughtful and meaningful. The two actors were a revelation.

Tonight we ate at an excellent Turkish restaurant across from the hotel.

It’s extra is a beautiful sculpture called Jete. The second is one of Don Mc’s statements about his photography.

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