
By EAnnBlair

A day of three halves.

This morning we headed out of town to check out the Tarxien Temples. 6000 year old series of temple complexes. Like a cross between Stonehenge and Skara Brae. Amazing.
This afternoon we walked through Valetta to St Elmo's fort where they have the war museum. The fort was fascinating as was much of the museum. Though by the end of it we were overloaded with dates and facts. I shan't remember much of it for any length of time but enjoyed the experience regardless.
And this evening a reception in the hotel for the guests. Rather a nice touch. I learned another fact. Apparently the Queen was taught to salsa in the hotel ballroom. Fancy that. And then out for dinner. Some excellent fish at a tiny place called Dimitri's.
Altogether a rather lovely day.

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