Ah Janey

This morning was off the scale! Even better than the last few days, with a river fog hanging over Kinsale as an inversion layer.  I wanted to skip swimming so I could take photos, but I didn't, I took this one and dutifully headed into town.  I came back as quickly as I could before the fog had burnt off fully. But because I stopped to take the shot of the birds I missed the island by a matter of minutes.  There are a few extras, with the return of Snugglepig. 

I made some sweet treats today for my visitors who arrive tomorrow.  Luckily they didn't require cooking, as my oven seems to have stopped working.  I've been waiting for it to happen for a while so I can upgrade.  

Oh and big news on a house up the country. 

And finally, I'm quite proud of yesterday's effort in case you missed it.  

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