Every Picture Tells A Story

Early today I spotted this lone Canada Goose .The Greylags just screeched and cackled the entire time . Ms Goose lay down to consider .After a while she stood with typical dignity & walked forward , down the steps through  the mess left by others ,...then sounding a cry three times flew off. Beautiful to watch .
Which is more than the Westminster reality TV show which has become.
All  now want their 15minutes of fame and have made a mess akin to that in the collage . Amazing how they consider their wit sharp and funny .
Like spoiled brats they refused every option thereby shooting us all in the foot. Add to this  some toxic work from the SNP and the DUP..the former a part of the union which has made no secret they wish to break off and go it alone. .They know the answer .Just go and fully finance yourselves . Westminster paid for your parliament Now get on with it These weeks have presented little dignity which has done much to tarnish the reputation of UK . Btw 'toxic' is a word I'd never use but seeing it's fine for some to throw at Westminster I use when referring to Holyrood .
I appreciate many will not share my views and that's fine. As an English woman  I'm no nationalist, merely .disenfranchised , disgusted  but still have rights. 

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