Thelwell ponies

Before Gill headed home to Troon, we walked a couple of miles along the Badivow road and back, passing these Shetland ponies en route. There was a fair number of them, varied in colour, but all of them with thick coats which I hope would protect them from the bitter wind out on the moor.

We then warmed up over coffee and elevenses at Benview, which was a lovely way to finish off Gill's short-but-sweet visit.

Back home, after waving Gill off, I went upstairs to see if Pookie had gone out during our absence, and found CORKY hiding behind the sofa!!! I only realised it was him when he took off in fright at the speed of light and I saw his white paws. Damned cheek!

Hoping to catch up with blipmates' journals now that my hostessing duties are over... 

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