
... this was at the Yadegar Asisi Panorama of 'die Mauer' in Berlin.
Two days ago we visited the 'Pergamon' Panorama just a few kilometers away - so impressive

I have to say, that of all the things we saw this weekend in Berlin, the most and deepest impact made the exhibitions of the Mauermuseum at Checkpoint Charlie. Yes - we all knew about that. Yes - we read and learned about that so often. But - when you read about all the single persons, when you see the cars, where there were people hidden in the trunks, between the seats, when you see the suitcases that were prepared to hide one person in the luggage department of a train............... the shopping trolley, where a desperate mother hid her sleeping son........ the two surfboards that were prepared to hide someone ..... the self-built captive balloon that took two families across the border into freedom .................
when you see and read all that, the stories of real people, the stories of lovers who did everything to be reunited in freedom, the stories of mothers and fathers who couldn't bare to live another day in that country......... 
words cannot describe how devastating, how upsetting, how happy and how hopeful that made me..

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