Onions by a Wall

It's been one of those spring days when one minute it is pouring rain and the next the sun is shining. It rained so hard during class this morning that we weren't sure whether what we were hearing was rain or a problem with the heating fan....

It doesn't seem like a good sign when the first thing the washing machine repair guy says is something along the lines of 'they just don't make them like they used to'...We are on our second washer and dryer in six years and also our second repair company since the last place took two months to fix our broken dryer. 

The new guy just left after telling us that there is nothing wrong with the washing machine...it is the pipe going into it that is clogged up and we need to get a plumber to clear it. This would be the same pipe we had installed five years ago because the plumber told us the old one was not slanted at the correct angle. Maybe I should go back to using a washboard...or I could take the clothes down to the creek and beat them on the rocks....

Whenever the sun was shining, I was stuck in traffic or at least in the car. By the time I got home again the rain had begun once more. I rushed outside during a sunny spell to get a shot of the onions and their shadows against the wall before OilMan harvests them to make room for his pepper plants currently growing under lights in the garage....best I could do today.

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