First Christmas
9 weeks + 2
I think Katie knew it was Christmas. She woke up at 5 and wanted to check if Santa had been. Ok, actually she wanted to snuggle with Mummy and watch the twinkly pretty lights, but she was also fascinated by the mountain of presents.
She spent the whole of 'present time' just cuddling Mummy, eventually midmorning I realised hers were still piled up and opened them with her when she was a bit more awake! She liked the ribbon that came on Mummy's new pyjamas best of all.
Katie watched all the shinanigans in confusion, bless her. But she looked very pretty in a new Christmas dress. I'd been very excited about her being able to sit at the table with everyone for Christmas lunch, in her nice new highchair. Well, she did sit at the table. On Mummy's knee! The highchair was not where Katie wanted to be!
Late afternoon, the two of us went to my parents for some presents, a cuddle and bath then down to my aunty's for Christmas tea, more presents and lots of games and festivity.
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