Swinging hands

How uncertain feeling, when a building contractor's representative did not have a single slideshow from the subject. A district heating pipe renovation is soon to be started in our housing company...

I hope these men are better in renovation, than in representing plans. They really had only bare hands. And hands were swinging and the only material was one Laminated Apartment Schedule. You could guess names of the representativers on the basis of a brief presentation, names and contact information were not clear. As I asked for atleas some plans and information about the renovation to start, we finally were showed some drawings on floor plans.

I also was not convinced at all, as the contractor himself drove to the housing company office backyard with an old-fashioned Audi, of which best days had been seen way over 20 years ago. I don't say anything about the long hair and bold forehead... But of course you can not tell a man's (or woman's) talent just by looks of by the outfit of the vehicle...

Otherwise the day has been nice and sunny. Even the bunny of our lounge of the office had found a friend.
In the Blip.


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