With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Life’s like a movie

This was a weird bit of today just when we thought things were getting sorted but just before things got even more complicated. This guy was about to ask me for money for the already paid for van service that had taken place at the wrong garage for reasons which absolutely no one could explain. The impasse lasted about 2 hours.

In the meantime, another irritating 21st Century problem involving insurance, telephones and banks was solved by dealing with other real people, face to face.

Via Aragon was full of all sorts of life, from the homeless to the striking bus drivers, the nail salon workers, the apparently grumpy but hidden golden-hearted, and names written on walls and carved into the pavements. City life astounds me when I venture out, unaccustomed as I am.

It was not without considerable stress, but still a grand day out, made not only successful, but also fun by Gabi. The fact that we had nowt but a coffee all day made a trip to Can Pintxos even more satisfying. Never did a little lamb chop and a glass of crianza taste so damn good.

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