Reading Comprehension

I woke up with the intentions of securing my table in the study lounge before doing anything else. These horrible people had already taken over what has been my table for the past week.

I got over it and went to breakfast. Who did I see there? The horrible people who stole my table. I made it my life goal to beat then back to the building only to find that those clever gypsies had left all their stuff at my table, claiming it. Arthur and Rohit convinced me that it would not be in my best interest to burn all their books so I relocated to this awful desk in an awful windowless room. I've been here 12 hours of the 14 I've been awake. Things are going well.

Bio test tomorrow and chem on Tuesday. I've got an essay due at some point too. And then home on Friday wahooooo!!!

"You see I usually find myself among strangers because I drift here and there trying to forget the sad things that happened to me."
-The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald

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