
By CharlotteJ

Blow out!

Had another early alarm today and we were in the car by 6am.....the car had other ideas about our day and decided, whilst we were on the M50, to blow the back passenger tyre....what a crazy sound it made! The back end wobbled...Chris was very calm (as always!) and cars behind slowed down...we managed to get over and saw that actually we were coming up to a junction off the motorway...we got to a lay by. We have run flat tyres but in this occasion, we only had enough to get us to a safe spot....the car was wiggling loads and Chris wasn’t going to risk his we called BMW assist and 40mins later we had answered their questions and they had located us on a map! It took 40 mins mainly due to the fact that the call handler repeated everything twice!!! We then waited an hour and a half for a pick up. Pick up took us to BMW near home and BMW kindly gave us a lift home. The car is waiting for a tyre, they don’t hold the size in stock.
Today’s blip is taken from the side on the road we were waiting on.

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